The new sash of the Toronto and York Region Métis is developed having in mind what it means to be a Métis person in Toronto and York region, says Todd Ross – Special Adviser on Tripartite – The Métis Nation of Ontario.
Speaking with Mosaic Edition Todd Ross explains that the colours on the new sash are significant. For example the blue signifies the rivers, and green represents the mother earth.
Todd Ross in addition explains the flag of the Métis Nation.
The blue flag is the flag of the Métis Nation of Ontario representing water and the blue sky.

The blue flag is the flag of the Métis Nation of Ontario representing water and the blue sky. mosaicedition.ca-ea
The red is the significance of hunting – “how we live off the land and how we protect the land.”

“We have to honour the land and we have to ensure the land is there for the future generation,” said Todd Ross.
The infinity symbol on the Métis flag signifies two circles representing the coming together of two peoples – the settlers as well as the First Nations.
They come together and join in a seamless loop.
“The infinity loop speaks to the Métis culture and the cultures continue up to now to infinity. “
“As we live today in our urban setting we are constantly reminded that our culture is very important and we must honour our culture,” said Todd Ross.