Andrew Scheer: Conservative Party is open to all race and creed

Andrew Scheer: Conservative Party is open to all race and creed

Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Andrew
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Andrew


Conservatism is founded on the principle that all human beings are created with the same inherent value and equal rights, says the Leader of the Opposition, Andrew Scheer.

Speaking today at a Media Reception in Etobicoke, the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada reassured the ethnic community of his party’s openness.

“This principle is a rock solid pillar of the Conservative Party,” said Scheer.

“For people who espouse anything other than that: that one race, one religion, or one ethnicity is better or worse than others, they are not compatible or welcome in the Conservative Party of Canada.”

During his visit to the GTA, he was able to meet and see many Canadians from various ethnic backgrounds.

“We continue to build the society where people from all walks of life and all creeds come together.

“What we will not do is what Justin Trudeau is doing: playing politics of division, creating fears amongst communities with baseless accusations.”

“We will not go down that road, but we will absolutely assure people of every background that our government will be a government that upholds principles of equality, treat every Canadian fairly and equally and promote peace, tolerance and inclusivity.”





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